The Stem Cell Facial



This is an anti-aging, condition-specific, high intensity 70-minute treatment that uses lab-cultured Stem Growth Factors and Cytokines derived from human bone marrow stem cells to regenerate your skin.

The treatment is non-invasive with little downtime and geared to reverse the signs of aging by infusing the skin with topical nutrients and growth factors via microchanneling delivery.

These cellular communicators will help ramp up collagen production and optimize the skin’s ability to repair itself, restoring youth, vitality, and radiance.

The stem cell facial can help with:

  • lines & wrinkles

  • acne scars, surgical scars, and stretch marks

  • photodamage & hyperpigmentation

  • lax skin

Boost Collagen

The stem cell facial in Largo ( also known as collagen induction therapy) stimulates the skin’s wound healing response, causing it to go in “repair mode”. This process triggers an up regulation of collagen types IV, VII, XVII to restore structure and adhesion. In addition, the down regulation of inflammatory growth factors that cause premature aging.

Reduce Wrinkles

The stem cell facial in Largo, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin to rebuild the structure of the skin. Once structural integrity is restored, the skin smooths out, pigment disappears, and lines and wrinkles begin to fill in.

Restore Radiance

Collagen Induction Therapy aka the stem cell facial restores the foundation of the skin-making it stronger, healthier and more resilient. Once the structure begins to rebuild, the skin naturally becomes and looks healthier, making the appearance more radiant.

stem cell treatment in Largo

Stem Cells in Anti-Aging Treatments

Stem cells use hundreds of different Growth Factors & Cytokines to manage healing within your skin. These growth factors and cytokines are the most intelligent anti-inflammatory agents in your body. They instruct the metabolic machinery within cells to produce anti-inflammatory agents. Growth Factors are now established by peer-reviewed research as the highest level of optimization in anti-aging skincare.

Stem Cell Facial in Largo

Harvesting Stem Cells

The stem cells we used are sourced from the bone marrow of young, healthy, pre-screened adult donors. The cells are cultured in a laboratory, within a controlled environment that fosters production of the bio signals that will engage in skin repair and rejuvenation. The powerful growth factors and cytokines inside the cell are then harvested and extracted, discarding the cell itself. Our products are 100% free of inflammatory cells, cell fragments, RNA, or DNA.

The Truth In Aging

Your skin is always working hard to keep you protected, our stem cells provide healing for near flawless regeneration. As we age, we have fewer of these healing cells available to repair damage. Over time the damage accumulates, and we see the signs of aging.  

The use of stem cells in your skin treatments can help your skin’s ability to regain youth.

“Lines, wrinkles, and lax skin are not normal signs of aging. It is a sign that the skin is damaged and in need of repair.”

Get in touch.

Have a question? We’re happy to help! Drop us a note and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can.